Mobile Library

Brimarco’s next generation of mobile library is the largest mobile library available in Australia today.  This sleek style has a large single capsule with wheelchair accessibility, a hatch for easy transfer of book tubs, open space for public access and lots of room for bookshelves and other media. And it is designed for set up and set down by a single operator with computer controlled operation.


“Riverina Regional Library engaged Brimarco… to construct a large mobile library trailer to meet the needs of our substantial service area. Not only did Brimarco deliver a quality product, but their innovative team also worked with RRL to maximise the internal floor space and flexibility of the mobile library through clever design.” Robert Knight, Executive Director, Riverina Regional Library

If size, manoeuvrability or budget is an issue, we also build a spacious but compact cab chassis model.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your particular mobile library needs.


“… the Brimarco team have impressed us with their efforts to help us find cost-savings throughout the project, without sacrificing the high standards and quality of the library. This was an important consideration for Council as we are always looking to get the best possible value for rate-payers,”


 “I’m sure people right throughout the Richmond Valley and Kyogle municipalities will enjoy and appreciate the many features of our state-of-the-art new mobile library.” Ryan Gaiter, Richmond Valley Council Finance and Procurement Manager

“Brimarco has ticked every box that I requested… The quality of workmanship is superb……This will replace the current library that I have been driving for 12 years. The new Brimarco vehicle resolves all of the issues of the old vehicle. We needed to embrace the future when designing the new vehicle so that it remains current for the next 10-12 years.” Bill Meufells, Mobile Library Operator